Ep. 5 PIvoting as Creatives in Business

The benefits and challenges we face when we pivot in business as creatives in business can run the absolute gamut (especially depending on the type of business you’re in), but we think we’ve found some common ground here. 

As pod makers, we can see and understand the unique threads that connect all our human components whether we’re parenting, running our businesses, or pursuing our hobbies and how that all affects how we show up to our business – and how we show up to the mic. 

And at PodMakers, we want to honor ALL the sides of us. We’re integrated beings that get to draw on all of our past experiences to grow our skills, whether we think those experiences “count” for something or not. 

It all counts. 

Just a few questions we’re answering in this episode are:

  • What does it mean to pivot in business?

  • How do we give ourselves permission to do so?

  • Is there a best way to pivot FOR US?

You ARE free to pivot in business. When you connect with your inner knowing (woo but true), you get to decide the next branch of your path. There is no “stay in your lane” rule anymore

We can’t wait to deep dive with you and support you along your pod making journey.

Resources mentioned in the show:



**This transcript is auto generated and is NOT perfect.

[00:00:00] Carin: This is Podmakers. Do you ever wonder how podcasting could help your business, or even if you're doing business right? Do you ever wonder what it takes to start and maintain a podcast, or about the reasons for starting or maintaining one? Do you ever wonder what other business owners and podcasters are going through behind the scenes, away from the highlight reels and shiny filters of social media?

[00:00:24] Wonder with us. On podcasting and how to show up intentionally and be heard. Hey, I'm Carin. And I'm Kacey. Hi. How's it going 

[00:00:34] Kacey: today? It's good. I caffeinated a little bit like we talked about in the pre show. And I feel like it's gonna be like a nice little Zing, zing, zing. Ooh. Pivot. Which is the segue for what we're talking about today.

[00:00:47] We're talking about Pivot, pivot, pivot. Pivoting and creative. Yes. I think this is a topic that applies wherever you are in business at any time ever because you're never really done pivoting even if you think you are. Yes, I also 

[00:01:03] Carin: think from the like I love that we include like the word creatives too because I feel like as creatives like we're all like kind of always.

[00:01:13] So I, yes, I love this. So Kizzy, I'm gonna ask you cause you've done a little bit more, let's just be real. You've done a little bit more prep on this episode than I have. What does pivoting in business or pivoting as a creative mean to you? How would you define that? What are we talking about? What are we talking about?

[00:01:31] Thoughts about it. I 

[00:01:32] Kacey: have a lot of thoughts about it. So pivoting to me means when we're shifting our primary focus from like working in or focusing on a particular thing and transferring it to another thing. I think that's essentially what a pivot is. I think it was Steve Jobs who said something like how it can sometimes feel like your creative or innovative trajectory is making like no sense in the moment and you kind of have some self judgment about that.

[00:02:01] But when you look back, you can see all these little dots that you're able to connect that actually make it all make sense. You just couldn't see that in the moment. Like for me, I used to have a lot of self judgment for all the different jobs I had before I became a solopreneur. I don't know if we've actually talked a lot about this, but I actually went to culinary art school and never used my degree.

[00:02:24] And I felt a lot of shame about that, which I think partially was a story that came from having parents of a different generation from the baby boomer generation, which college education meant something totally different to them. And so there was like a little bit of added pressure for me from that, which I don't think was intended, but I didn't have the pride that I have now of like, Realizing, hey, I enrolled at college at 16, and I completely financed everything by myself from working.

[00:02:56] And then from there, talking about, you know, not using my culinary degree, I actually, my first job was an office job at the college that I attended. So, from there, I worked at a dermatology office as a receptionist and then got my certification in dermatology coding, had a few different medical billing jobs, and none of this stuff ever seemed related, and they really didn't seem creative, air quotes, creative, but when I look back, Now, I can kind of see how all of these things in different ways play to my strengths.

[00:03:33] So like, for example, I work really well with attention to detail. I catch things a lot of people miss. So like the medical claims I used to submit were like very accurate. I love working one on one with people. So I actually was kind of good at talking to angry patients that had balances on their accounts.

[00:03:52] I'm very conscientious and that came across in like patient care, being involved in finances where you need conscientious people with integrity to like actually do what they're supposed to do. I like to think I'm well spoken. At one of my last billing jobs, we were an outsourcing group, so we didn't work like in clinic with patients.

[00:04:12] And a lot of the patients that we worked claims for were actually based in New York. And I would get tons of compliments on, like, my phone manner and my accent, even while people were, like, mad that they even had to call me, this person at some billing company, and pay their overdue medical bill. And then, like, the fact of putting myself through school, earning a double major, and later getting, like, a certification.

[00:04:36] In my job at the medical coding place, I feel like we're all, like, when I thought about it, we're proof of my ability to focus, my desire to do, like, high quality work, and when you look back and try to piece all these things together, Because I think that's where some of the shame and judgment comes in when we are pivoting is like, I can't do that.

[00:04:56] Like, it's too different from what I'm already doing. It doesn't, and people aren't going to make sense of it. I think that when you do put the pieces together like that, you can make sense of it. And like, all of these things lead up to being like, so invaluable to you as a creative and as a business owner.

[00:05:13] Because we are really never done pivoting, like you said in the intro. So that's a long winded explanation of how I see pivoting and how I can. Really work for us. 

[00:05:25] Carin: I love that. And I appreciate that. And thank you for sharing like a bit of your own story in it as well. Like I had totally forgotten about the culinary piece, which is like amazing and totally comes out in your life all the time.

[00:05:36] I mean, like one of your favorite things to do is to bake and to like be in the kitchen, like creating these things, right? So I love knowing all of that. And I totally see that. I mean, I'm running through the highlight reel of my career past as well as you're kind of giving us some of yours and just seeing the this like breadcrumb trail.

[00:05:57] And I think that's how I think of pivoting. I think I can be I'm sure listeners can already tell and know from this. I can be quite philosophical. I'm also quite an idealist. That's like just in my human design, in my Enneagram, like cannot get away from it. Whatever tool you use to like as like a personality thing that is baked in.

[00:06:17] But I think I think of pivoting ideally as this continual refinement and like paring down or shaving off of things to get to kind of more that. core or center of ourselves and how, like, and vocationally, like how, what we want to do. what we really want to do and what we're skilled to do. And like, no matter what you take as your like structure, if it's astrology, if it's human design, if it's like whatever that looks like, as far as some of your guiding kind of principle or infrastructure for understanding like who we are, what we're doing about it, those kinds of things, kind of getting more in alignment with how we've been designed or how we've designed ourselves to be and what our spirits desire to do in this world.

[00:07:07] So that's like, very woo, like woo and like from an energetic lens. So whatever your beliefs are, but I think ideally, I look at pivoting and business as a refining process of getting closer and closer to the heart of like, why we're here and what we're doing about it. Which sounds like really massive and can bring like a really big intensity to it, but there's all kinds of like you said, there's like all kinds of drama around it and like shame voices come up so quickly and something that I even think of is just that like I was really given and this is from patriarchy for sure, but this came through my family line and I remember people actually like telling me this like extended family at like Thanksgiving or whatever if I would actually Yeah.

[00:07:50] Open up to somebody and be like, yeah, I'm just like, like when I was finishing my master's degree and trying to trying to finish my thesis. Oh, my gosh. I remember an uncle telling me, like, You can do anything, but you just need to stick to your one thing, stick to your one thing, that pressure of like you pick one thing and you stick with it and you make it good and you like strive through it and you just like head down, do it like that has been working against me my whole life.

[00:08:20] Like I feel that for sure. And I think that in a lot of ways that's very unrealistic for my generation, generational 

[00:08:28] Kacey: disconnect there where it comes to like, yeah. I ain't relaying type thing. It's like, we don't do that anymore. No. And 

[00:08:34] Carin: it's unrealistic in this economy to think like, I'm going to get into one career, one job in one career and stick that out for 25 years.

[00:08:42] Like, that's just not how it works anymore. So there's all kinds of things working against us in pivoting in that way, let alone all of the like shame and all of the. past narratives and everything that come with that. But to me, a pivot is that further refinement deeper into, and that definitely comes from like my own spiritual journey, like beliefs and like all of that too, as far as like, we're going, we journey deeper and deeper and deeper into ourselves and like, Spirit, the divine, whatever you have and you bring to the equation as far as beliefs that it's a collaborative effort of uncovering who we are and what we're doing about it, 

[00:09:19] Kacey: what we're doing about this life.

[00:09:20] I love that. That's so into, like we were talking in the pre show again where I said something about like we live integrated lives and that is a very integrated lens because You're not just this little robot person doing your business. Like, you're the same person in your business. You're the same person taking care of your kids.

[00:09:36] You're the same person with your spouse. You're the same person doing your hobbies and your passions. Like, you are the same person. And like, you have to be able to like, I think seeing it as a whole picture like that is so critical to, like, how we, getting to how we really want to show up in every part of it and not separating it out and seeing ourselves as different, like, well, this is me through this lens, and this is me, like, it's still you, it's 

[00:09:58] Carin: all of you, and like, this is me at work, this is me at home, this is me, yes, and that, like, really severs ourselves I mean, I can go down this rabbit trail.

[00:10:07] I won't. I'll spare y'all. But like that really gives a lot of power to individual parts. Like if we're looking at part selves through like Richard Schwartz context or whatever, um, and keeps us from blending into like this multidimensional, like multitude in itself. But yeah, it makes me think of like, also like our interests are valid.

[00:10:27] Like if we just stick to the one thing and stick to the thing, we're going to lose excitement. We're going to lose, you know, like just Sticking to something out of principle, rather than following that, like where we light up and all of that. So even thinking of my background, I was a dance, I told somebody this the other day, I was a dance teacher at like 16 and who had the same hourly rate that I have now, essentially, which is like kind of sad if you think about it, but also just like more so just awesome for my 16 year old self, I did well for myself, but I was a dance teacher.

[00:11:00] So there's like dance, and then there's like. Retail and visual merchandising. Visual merchandising was a really big piece of my past. And it was like, Oh, I could do this full time. Like, this is really cool. This is really awesome. And then some things there got torn down as far as like, do I really want to sell people a bunch of crap that they maybe don't need for some brands that are maybe not always.

[00:11:24] putting people first, you know, like just this like breakdown. And then, so I'm also just thinking of like the things that we, some of the benefits and the challenges of being able to pivot as a creative, the benefits are like wild as far as like, and they far outweigh the challenges in my mind, at least the ones that I'm thinking of as far as we get to continually align our work with what we desire and how we want to show up and the skills that we're honing.

[00:11:53] Right? When it makes sense. Not, I mean, I don't recommend a pivot, pivot every day. You would 

[00:11:58] exhaust 

[00:11:59] Kacey: yourself. That's, I was going to put a pin in that. Yeah, I kind of want to get to that after you because I, while you were talking, I was like, you know what? There are women, it might be in the challenges part that you were already going to speak to.

[00:12:10] So I don't want to interrupt you, but it's like, where do you draw the line of what's a valid pivot? And this makes sense for you right now versus like you're scared or you're not sure what you want to do. And like every week you're pivoting. Yes. Which 

[00:12:24] Carin: I feel like, yes, we could both talk about that from a very personal lens, whether like we're the ones that are pivoting constantly or the people that we work with are pivoting 

[00:12:33] Kacey: constantly.

[00:12:34] So like, we've all seen it. Yeah. We've all seen the person that's pivoting

[00:12:41] Carin: all Yeah. Yes. So let's get into that. I just want to name, just so that I get the thoughts out and then we can kind of like Pull them apart to as far as the benefits are getting to be led by excitement, getting to be led by interest, like getting to be led by curiosity and discovery, getting to actually feel fulfilled in your work on a regular basis or like all the time, like and getting to allow that.

[00:13:05] Creative self that creative identity to really be in the driver's seat a lot of the time, which is really powerful. And I think where we have some of our greatest offerings to ourselves to people around us to this world. But some of the challenges being to in that that, like, as creatives, I have ideas.

[00:13:24] I'm an ideator. I have an open God portal. If you know human design, I receive ideas continuously, constantly. I could be one of those people that pivots every day. And also if I pivot every day, that would absolutely murder my business. I wanted to share this anecdote of like, I have a friend that also went to art school and when I was in a really hard season, financially, he gave me some work.

[00:13:49] So I worked in a welding shop with him and we would just talk all the time. I know it was, I felt like such a fucking badass, like, like lifting this really heavy as shit metal all the time, cutting stuff, sparks flying. It was awesome. I didn't actually learn to weld because I was too afraid, but got to do like all of the prep.

[00:14:07] We would just talk all the time about like, hire an artist, like always hire an artist. Like we'll figure out how to do it. We'll do it well. Like we're really good at learning, right? Like we can do things with our hands, but we also can like unlock, like big concepts. Like, and I think I'm broadening that to like hire a creative, like.

[00:14:27] But it's challenging because a lot of us are also high performers. So this goes into the like, don't pivot every day. But it's a little bit of a tangent as far as like, you are a very high performer, Kacey like, look at all of your background and all of your like, and how well you were able to do those medical reports and like all of those things, right?

[00:14:44] But then we get outside voices and accolades for how well we're able to do these things. And then it makes it harder to pivot. Like, that's how I. Was able to stay in a career for, you know, and I don't, I don't regret anything on my journey by any means but was able to stay in a career for eight years that maybe wasn't the best fit for me in my life and definitely not financially, you know, like, but falling into these, like I read in one of my chart readings was just like pivoting from something that you've kind of fallen into because you're really good at it.

[00:15:23] But pivoting into something that you like really desire to do and is more in alignment with you. So that's like really broadening the conversation. But that I think a big challenge for pivoting as creatives is that we can do if you're a high performer and a creative, we can pretty much do anything and we can do it really well.

[00:15:43] And it makes it really easy for outside voices to come in and really muddy our thoughts on Like what we want to do. So that's what also like illuminates the pivots though is when we do that deeper inner work to reset to to be able to answer and get safe enough to answer. What do I want to do? What am I skilled in right now?

[00:16:03] You know, all of those things. Yeah. 

[00:16:06] Kacey: That's such a good point. Like, when you were saying that about the outside voices, I was immediately thinking about several different jobs that I had in the past where I was dying inside. But when I go to tell, like, my supervisor or whatever, like, this isn't working for me, they're always shocked.

[00:16:24] They're like, really? But you're so good at it and, like, we love what you do so much. Like, you're so good. And it, it's like that shame piece comes in because then you're like, well, maybe I'm just a piece of shit because I really am dying inside and I hate this place, but these people seem to value me. And it's like, you don't feel like you have the right to pursue things that you desire or that make you feel good just because it makes you feel, you know what I mean?

[00:16:47] Like we have all these roles about like, well, I can't like for the longest time I wanted to start a business and I was like, well, I can't do that. Like, I can't just do that. I'm not. Like, who am I? Like, I can't just like, Oh, that just sounds cool to start a business. I'm just going to do it. Like, but you can't just do that.

[00:17:05] Yes. And it's like, it's the same thing about leaving what's not right for you. Like, I can't just do that. 

[00:17:11] Carin: Yes. Like there's all these limitations given to us as far as like, I feel like to like, and you know, I always shout this out, but there's like religious trauma in this space also, which I would argue like is.

[00:17:22] More present widely culturally in in the United States, then like some people would think just because there is such a like religious background to so much of our cultural kind of norms and the way that we think about things as far as like that. There's a one right. Path for everyone. And like, once you're on the path, you can't get off.

[00:17:44] And like, it puts all of this stress and pressure around like what we can and cannot do. And also to shout out patriarchy as a woman looking at pivoting is different than say, a white man looking at pivoting in our culture. So we have a lot more stress and pressure and all of that around what it looks like to shift or to be able to ask Like, can I do what I want to do?

[00:18:08] Can I create my own business? Like, can you know, like that dialogue looks different for different people depending on their identity characteristics because of the pressure that culture puts on us. So just to say that, but yes, like, and there's so much involved in this. So like, even in making that decision for your business, there's like all of the inner deep work of self trust within like all of these shame voices and like, do I have my own back?

[00:18:33] And like all of that 

[00:18:34] Kacey: stuff too. How do we give ourselves permission to do that? Like how. What are the things, the steps I can take or like when you were talking about the importance of having a plan and sticking to a plan when you feel like you're kind of scattered and not sure which way to go and like what can I set in my plan that will help me really give myself permission, really give myself structure within the creativity to do this and do it in a way that will create something sustainable so I'm not having to pivot every week?

[00:19:01] Yes. And how, so I'm not confusing my audience and like having the opposite effect that I have, which is probably like not as many leads or sales because nobody tends to know what you're doing week to week. Yes, 

[00:19:12] Carin: absolutely. So I feel like, like the general like backbone of the tips and tools that I would tell people about is like doing the inner work, like whether that's.

[00:19:23] the super, super deep work of like family, like familial voices, past voices, like all of that stuff that's coming up, that's telling you that you can't do, can't go where you want to go. Or like, can I do this? Like, am I enough? Like the roots of all of those really big questions that like we are kind of trying to prove or disprove kind of all of the time.

[00:19:42] So there's that. that deep work. There's also nervous system resiliency also as far as like getting safe enough with self. So like, I love Rob Bell and the Rob cast. There's a Rob cast episode called quote yourself that I love and I go back and revisit again and again. I think it's this episode that he talks about this, but as far as like when we're pivoting or when we're doing something, we can use language like I'm going to dive in.

[00:20:06] I'm going to jump off the ledge. I'm going to really go for it this time, right? Like all of this really big, really. Scary language, and I say scary because it's scary for our brains, which makes it really scary in our nervous systems. So we can like totally like we can drum like, and pivots are really exciting, but we can totally dramatize them and really wig ourselves out.

[00:20:30] So being really mindful of how you're using language, how you're intensifying the experience rather than like what you talked about in the very beginning, as far as like all of it is very natural. kind of invitations rather than like pushing yourself off of the cliff. Like, Oh, this is just like, and this is something I have to use a lot with myself is this is just the part where this is just the part where I'm focusing on podcasting instead of spiritual direction.

[00:21:01] This is just the part where I'm shifting more into my creative drives and my creative identity rather than Serving everyone else, you know, like this is just the part where so like it becomes more of this like very normative and natural, less intense and stressful thing for our nervous systems so that we can stay in safety rather than jumping into fight, flight, freeze, fawn, right?

[00:21:28] Because how are you going to pivot and actually get your stuffing out there and have people know what you're doing if you're in freeze, fawn, fawn, It's like all of the

[00:21:40] things. Yeah, that's my biggest tool is like do the inner work, be checking in with yourself, do all of the journaling, do all of the like candle lighting, self Reiki, whatever it looks like, you know, like whatever it looks like for you to be totally checked in and grounded. And then also know how you work.

[00:21:57] Like for me, I'm going to, I'm going to get super like with a pivot, I'm going to get super, super, super excited. I'm going to get an idea flood. I'm going to want to use this new energy to completely rebrand the business, redo the website, like all of these things that are not actually like money making things when maybe the priority is that I actually need to client seek and make money.

[00:22:19] Even before the website is like pivoted, you know, so like, what does, what is, what is my season look like? Where am I financially? What needs to be done? What has to be done? And then I actually do like a massive to do list and then have to break it down into sections like themes and priorities so that I, and then have an idea parking lot also.

[00:22:43] Oh, 

[00:22:43] Kacey: I love that. Oh my God. Idea parking lot. So they 

[00:22:46] Carin: actually get honored. They get written down. They get like acknowledged, but they're going in the parking lot and I can revisit them later. 

[00:22:54] Kacey: Amazing. And this is so interesting too, because I think it's, Because I feel like we're opposites in the way that we approach this, so I think it's really cool to have opposing perspectives.

[00:23:05] And so you get super excited, energized, like your God portal opens up and you're just like, the beam is coming in, all the ideas, all the connection to the universe. I am like the tortoise. I'm, like, very 

[00:23:19] Carin: slow to 

[00:23:22] Kacey: realize when I'm ready to pivot, very slow to start putting pieces in place. And I've accepted that about myself.

[00:23:29] Like, I don't, to be clear, I don't consider that, like, a negative. I did for a long time. No. I'm just a slower. decision making person. I think it comes with my brand of high sensitivity. It's just how I operate. It's just how my brain and nervous system work. And I like to be really, really sure of things before I commit.

[00:23:48] And if this is you, like, I hope you see yourself in that because there's nothing as long as you're not using it as a crutch, which I also have to watch myself for. Because if I take too long, it's like, yeah, You know, we kind of have to birth this thing, like, we can't stay, we can't hold the baby in forever, like, the baby has to come out, it has to, like, interact with other humans, and you have to, like, sometimes you have to give yourself a little nudge, or like, a little deadline, or, I don't even like the word deadline, I hate that dead is in it, because it just sounds like something scary that you don't really want to do.

[00:24:25] Maybe like a due date or an expectation time or something like that. However you need to reword your language, like you already, already talked about from the Rob Bell quote yourself episode. Just think about how your inner dialogue is going when you're thinking about your pivot. But I'm like really slow.

[00:24:41] It takes me time to like, I start thinking about like client needs first and exactly what I want to offer people. Then I get around to like updating my website slowly and like I slowly change my social media messaging, all of the things like that. But just to have like, to know that if you're not teaming with ideas all at once and you're not necessarily the type of.

[00:25:05] nervous system person that can come up with, like, a billion cool things that you want to offer. Like, that's okay. Like, sometimes I do wish I was that person, but I'm okay with being, also being the person who I offer, like, a streamlined couple of services. Like, right now, I'm doing podcast guest pitching, and I'm repurposing podcast content.

[00:25:27] Yes. That is all that I do. Yes. They're connected, they make sense, often people might need the same thing or not, but it's like in a niche that makes sense. It's streamlined. And just to say like, I think it's cool that we can have like these opposing ways that our creativity manifests and both of those be valid and you can still figure out whatever you need to figure out and take your own time and like be at your own pace.

[00:25:52] I think that comes to with like the shame piece of like. I'm not even pivoting right like it's like oh my god, like we can keep ourselves wrong for so many things When it's just unnecessary and it just adds that extra stress It's two pivoting and all of that. So yeah, I think it's cool because we're such opposites in the way that like our creativity shows up.

[00:26:13] Mm hmm. But we're like both here doing the same podcast. Well, like we have the same interests. We're serving a lot of the same people and I just think it's cool how that kind of relates to each other. Yes. Yes. 

[00:26:24] Carin: Absolutely. I really appreciate that. Yeah. And. I think that's so big on like knowing how you work and I think you hit on so big time to like something I learned big time in the last few years was like acceptance commitment therapy, which like is like a whole methodology, but it's essentially like accept how you are and then like commit to who you are and where you're going.

[00:26:50] Kacey: Yeah, but like we don't do that day to day like it takes a conscious effort to really. Because you feel, especially in like the coaching world and like the self optimization and like there's always room for improvement and like, how can I do this better? How can I do this faster? How can I feel better more often?

[00:27:11] And like all that stuff. And it's like, Maybe you're just a 

[00:27:14] Carin: slow decision maker. Right. So much of that like leads to how can I be a different person? And it's like, no, no, no, that's not what we're doing here. What we're doing is accepting who and how we are and how do we get the results that we want within All of that, like the ecosystem of who and how you are.

[00:27:33] Yes, exactly. So like your, your to do's are going to look very different than my to do's and pivoting. Mine are going to be like, okay, like locked down on the, and I'm learning this about myself only within the last couple of years. Because I was not safe enough in my nervous system, I had so many narratives that were so loud, so much shame stuff that would come up in any sort of pivot, that I would get the idea and go all in, and like, be like, yes, and get super energized, and then just completely bombard myself.

[00:28:02] With the big plan of like, okay, what would it look like if I was a startup tech company and had like billions of dollars into this pivot and make that plan and then be like, and then go into freeze because I'm like, Oh, I'm not that that's not aligned with me. I, and then start like. Spinning out and all of the shame voices of how I'm wrong and how that's way too much to do, right?

[00:28:25] For one person. I'm one person. So yeah, I think like so the, the like who you are and how you work. Okay, like what is this pivot? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? And now how do you work? Even in your workflow and stuff like that, so like a big thing for me, and we can get into the details of these things if we want to, but for me, something in my current pivot is, okay, I have all of this biz dev stuff that's on my plate now.

[00:28:54] I have all of this marketing stuff that's on my plate now because of this big pivot, big pivot. There's that language. What has to still get done in the day to day? How many, which this is not, I am not a systems person. This sounds very systemy, right? Which I think you're better at like systems than me and like logistics and practical pieces.

[00:29:12] How many hours do I have outside of the work that I have already committed to clients that I have to get done? So then making that decide how long it's going to take me to do the like full on pivot, like when the website's done when the, you know, all of these things and then creating my to do's based off of my to do's every day based off of like that prioritized plan versus the like ideal massive kind of plan.

[00:29:43] Yeah. Yes. 

[00:29:44] Kacey: Yes.

[00:29:47] And like you made me think about a coach that we both are interested in her teachings, Greta Skolton, um, the time management coach and the way she. teaches how to prioritize, like, changed my brain forever. It was amazing. Like, she talks about doing, like, one to three, one to three. Yes. Big things. Mind blowing.

[00:30:08] Every day. One to three. Yes. Like, that's it. She's like, three is your max. That is all you should be doing. That should be the max of your big priorities for the day. Yes. And at first, I was like, what are you talking about? Like, what kind of business do you think I have? I can't just do one to three. Like, I'll get nothing done.

[00:30:24] Right. But the way she teaches it and like implements and everything like It makes sense and it really helps you focus on the needle moving stuff in your business versus like the nice to like this nice to have like right now, I'm having my work with me page updated like it's still there. You can still see it on KaceyHayes.com , but it's not quite how I would want it to look.

[00:30:47] I feel like it's a little confusing, things like that. So it's like I'm getting some help to have that work done, which yeah. is a priority but also is like it's not necessarily needle moving like I have sold packages from it like it does work. I think it could be a little better but stuff like that where I have someone helping me but is it like a primary focus day to day for me right now?

[00:31:09] Not right now. Yep. That's why I have someone helping me so that their brain can be on it and then I can serve my clients that I already have. Yes. And focus on, you know, the things that are needle moving, which I think you give a lot of really good space to is like new ideas. Like, what's something that we could do differently?

[00:31:27] What's something that we could do a little better? And not in like an optimizing way, but just like what could make my life easier? What suits me and my body in the season that I'm currently in? You're really good about like, how can I be gentle with myself and how can I be kind to myself all the time?

[00:31:43] Sometimes I'm like, what would Carin say about texting her right now? And I was like, you know, all this inner dialogue that I'm having, she would be like, you need to be gentle with yourself. Probably just 

[00:31:51] Carin: be gentle. Be kind. It's like the baseline for everything. Yeah, and I 

[00:31:56] Kacey: think Especially as you're prioritizing.

[00:31:58] Carin: Yeah, and I think I'm, you say I'm good at that, but I think it's really hard, one, because and I can give that and offer that to everyone else, but that's, I mean, this is the first pivot that I'm not. working every night and every morning. Before, you know, before my kid gets up and after she goes to sleep, so it's, yes, it's such a big thing that I talk about because I'm learning it myself.

[00:32:24] Like, so, yeah, so like through this pivot, there's all of this energy, there's all this excitement, but I will burn myself the fuck out. And I have done that in the past. So like, that's part of the thing too, is that like, I will get really excited. And there's probably some like backgrounds, um, Unconscious things here too, as far as like, if I get excited, if I do all of these things and then burn myself into the ground, then I can, then I go into shutdown and we don't have to see whether it really happens or not, because this is probably another case of me trying to prove whether or not I'm allowed to exist.

[00:33:01] Because I'm trying to prove that like, this is good enough. My work is good enough or whatever. Right. Which is like, that just got real deep real fast, but like, that's like, that's honest. Like, that's what I used to do all of the time in my pivots. Oh, this is my shot. This is my one. This is me being the most me that I've ever been before, and now it has to work.

[00:33:22] So then I will design the pivot to run me into the ground so we don't have to see what, so that like, I fail from the start. Right? I fail before I have to see if it fails. Yes, exactly. So my nervous system can't handle it when the stakes are like whether or not I should exist or not. Right? I can't 

[00:33:42] Kacey: perform.

[00:33:43] That makes so much sense. Yeah, well, I mean, who could with the, you know what I mean? Like, with the parameters like that, and like, it's almost like we're trying to outrun our shame. Like, if we hurry up and make these decisions and like act on them, act on them, act on them, a lot of people are like, take fast action because if you, you know, that's decisive and it's like, is it though?

[00:34:01] Or is it like impulsive? Because I don't think impulsive and decisive are the same thing. I think you can be decisive. They'll be conscious and aware and, like, take a little bit of time and be like, Is this really what I want to do? Am I going to burn myself the fuck out? Do I want to continue working early in the morning before my kid wakes up and then working more late in the evening when my kid's asleep?

[00:34:23] Because it doesn't seem like that's a kind and gentle thing for yourself. And you can't then, like, when you, I feel like when you attract people in that energy or assign clients in that energy, It almost sets the tone for, like, your working relationship with them. Because I can already think of clients that I have signed in that, like, kind of, when I was real graspy and felt like I really needed the 

[00:34:45] Carin: money.

[00:34:45] Then they're emailing you late at night. They're emailing you. They're demanding things right then. Yes, it's the same energy. They don't want to 

[00:34:52] Kacey: pay you. They don't want to, like, adjust the rate when they're asking for more scope. And it's like, well, we can't, what have I done? What have I created? Yes. So 

[00:35:02] Carin: I would say this is the first time that I'm pivoting and we're like, really listening to all of those things and just trying to trust and getting out of, because urgency comes up really quickly for me as far as like, Oh, I've decided this.

[00:35:15] We're going to do this now. So like I used to build things overnight. Because of my skills and my energy, I could and that's I work in bursts too. So I would be like, Oh, this is where we're going. And then I would come home and be like, Jesse, I decided this. And I built like the website and the community forum and the like overnight.

[00:35:34] And he would be like, what the fuck? Like, you know, and I'm trying to get like, that's so big. That impulsivity that's natural for me. And my neuro divergence also blends with urgency. is super present in our culture, as far as white supremacist culture goes. It has to be right now if it's going to happen, like, which blends with scarcity really quickly.

[00:35:58] Like I need to make this happen now so that like I get the finances that I need, like all of these things come in so quickly and create this like horrible cocktail of like that strive y. Graspy energy that then yes, we'll come. If you, the seeds you sow will come out in the fruit, right? Like it's like not to quote scripture or anything, but like, that's.

[00:36:21] Like I do believe that that's like the energy that you put in is the energy that also comes out of something. And so with this pivot, trying to be so mindful, getting into out of impulsivity and into decision making, which I love that you created those that like, kind of not even dialectic, but like defined those two things and caring for myself, like such a, I think something that's present in this pivot for me is I had to pivot out of what I was doing because.

[00:36:50] It was costing so much for me energetically. And so having to be really mindful of like, if I'm going to run myself into the ground with this pivot, I'm not even honoring the heart and the desire of the pivot. 

[00:37:06] Kacey: Yes. Oh, that's so good. That's so big. Right? 

[00:37:10] Carin: Yeah. And I think in 

[00:37:12] Kacey: our texts and stuff, like, I feel like you've been doing like a really conscious.

[00:37:17] And like, I'm not there, but like, from our conversations, I think you're doing a really good conscious job of like, being kind to yourself and you're like, I'm going to stick to my plan that I already made. I'm not going to go off, like, obviously, like our thoughts can go off in different directions. Oh my gosh.

[00:37:31] And they're willing to. They are. It's like, if we can come back to it, like try to rein it in a little bit, try to like reserve our energy a little bit. and focus on like, I've got this, I know what I need to do, like, just being very grounded. Like, for me, the words grounded and calm have been coming up a lot when I journal.

[00:37:51] How I want to experience things right now. I'm in like a particular mode with a client right now that's a little bit stressful. And we've talked about this a ton, probably too much, but off pod. And I'm just like, how, there's so many things I can't control. And it's not my business to control, but what I can control is like how I experience this time, and how do I want to experience this differently now.

[00:38:14] Yep. And it's like, I make non negotiables, like I don't skip my workout, I don't eat at my desk and like gobble it down, I don't, you know. Work past a certain hour in the evening because I know it's going to be hard for me looking at the blue light for so long, it's going to be hard for me to shut down and get ready for good sleep.

[00:38:31] I want to make sure I get good sleep. All these different things that I'm like, I decided these are non negotiables for me because I sacrificed them in the past and 

[00:38:40] Carin: it went to shit. Mm hmm. Yep. And like, 

[00:38:43] Kacey: just knowing that and like just that little tiniest bit of self care, I feel I just like carries into every other way that you show up.

[00:38:51] Like, I feel like I'm more present with my husband. I like when he comes home, I'm like more open to talk to him because I have that space in my like spirit to give versus just being like drained. and drawn and just like tired and like don't talk to me, I'm like tapped out, just all that type of stuff.

[00:39:10] And I think especially during a pivot like what you're doing right now, that comes in so, it's so prevalent and so like such a big focus and I feel like you've been doing a good job of that, like, in our conversation. So I want to, like, acknowledge that and give you credit for that. Oh, and your messaging and your pivoting materials has been really good.

[00:39:31] Like, your emails and your announcements and stuff. Thank you. Like, reading them, it feels very organic and, like, very natural. And it's like, oh, of course this is what she would do. Like, this is perfect for her. Like, this is gonna go. So well, yeah, 

[00:39:47] Carin: and that's, thank you for saying that. And that's part of the heart of the pivot too, is I'm seeing that I had to get rid of one of my roles so that I could show up in Sicily My life, my marketing, my other part of the business as like a real authentic human.

[00:40:08] And I, I don't think that everybody has to get out of that role in order to do so, but I was really hung up on some stuff in order to, like, that come, comes with that role in order to show up. And so I really appreciate you saying that and acknowledging that. And I love that you say too, like, like, just the boundaries, like, The boundaries piece is such a massive part of the pivot.

[00:40:28] I mean, it's a massive part of maintaining your business in the first place, but like the thought boundaries and the personal boundaries, like personal boundaries being like, I am not going to eat. every meal at my desk. Like, you know, for me, it's like, maybe I eat, I eat most of my lunches at my desk just because like, there is a little bit of time scarcity built into my life with having a four year old and only working three days a week.

[00:40:51] But that's also, that doesn't run me ragged. But also if I'm getting up, going straight to my office, having my first meal, my middle meal and my last meal at my desk, there's a problem. Right. But like, for me, it's also the boundaries of. Okay. I am doing a loving kindness meditation every morning. Like we are practicing self compassion every morning and getting solitude and freedom from other people's thoughts, other people's opinions, even my own thoughts every morning right now.

[00:41:20] Like that is a non negotiable for me. And so I need to wake up with the amount of time to be able to do that without like my kid. I mean, she came in and laid on me while I was doing like self Reiki this morning. That was really beautiful. But like without her interrupting, like, yeah. That whole process, because I need it.

[00:41:36] I need it to be able to show up well in what I'm trying to do right now and to be grounded rather than getting into the frenzied energy of like, which I can speak to this too, of this is a thought boundary space. So it goes really quickly into the thought boundary space. I am really having to stick. To all of the evidence and facts that I can trust myself right now.

[00:41:58] I have built this business before and looking at what I've done before and what I have built. And if you haven't built like this exact pivot before looking at all of the skills, so like even you looking at like what your experience in culinary school gave to you, what your administrative job at culinary school gave to you, like all of those things, like what skills have you developed that all of this makes perfect sense, which I would say is like gathering the facts.

[00:42:23] And like, I tell clients all the times, retroaction clients do is like, we're building a wall of self trust, which I think a wall is like a tricky metaphor, but like something that we can look to and be like, yeah, that is fucking there. Like, and we're brick by brick building this wall. So naming our bricks.

[00:42:39] So like by naming the facts of yourself. skills. Those are building the bricks that each one is a brick in your wall of self trust that you can just look at and be like, I have my back. I got myself. So like the thought boundaries there that have to be present is a pendulum that I'm pendulum that I'm swinging between right now, big time, every day, multiple times a day is I completely trust that this is what is for me.

[00:43:04] In this current season, and I trust myself to, and this is not kind language, and my husband will not let me use this word because he's a therapist, but am I delusional? Because that's what it feels like. Am I, am I actually delusional? Am I creating this world in my mind? Yes. Am I just like drinking the coaching industry?

[00:43:23] Kool-Aid, you know, like as we're watching some of it fall apart and be like, and like disintegrating, like am I just buying into this? Like gas, like self gaslighting, like spiritual bypassing. Oh my God, you know, what does this really look like? And having to like acknowledge. So talk, going back to acceptance, commitment, having to acknowledge all of those thoughts.

[00:43:45] Of course, my brain. Is stressed right now. My brain is trying to make sense of all of this stuff. My brain is scared. I am doing this scared, you know, like I'm terrified. Do I know that new clients are going to come in on the timeframe that I need them to financially? No, I cannot guarantee that. I cannot give a hard yes to that.

[00:44:09] Will that dramatically impact my family and my day to day lifestyle and our lives? 100%. Are there other ways that we can do things? Yes. Like, do I have safety nets? Kind of, you know, but like, yeah. But acknowledging, like acknowledging all of those things and allowing them to be true. And also saying, just because I have fear and terror and I have a lot of question marks, I don't have certainty, doesn't mean that the certainty that I do have in the self trust, the skills, like what I've built before, one doesn't discount the other, like all of it has to be true.

[00:44:48] Yeah, yes. But having those thought boundaries of when I'm asking, am I delusional? I'm not spiraling in the shame of yes. You know, like, yes, which leads to, for me personally, I am not enough. I will never be enough. You know, like, those kinds of, like, really deep spirals, right? Yes. Which creates zero action.

[00:45:13] Kacey: And just, like, while you were talking about the opposing, the pendulum of beliefs, like, the uncertainty over here, which is like, am I delusional, versus the certainty over here of, like, here's what I know to be true and I can trust myself for, is, like, we are also not our brain. We are a separate entity from our brain.

[00:45:32] Like, yes, we can honor what our brain is freaking out about because it makes sense. Yes. Like, I get it. You're scared. Like, you can't predict what's going to happen. The uncertainty fucking sucks. Yes. But also... You are not all there is to me, like, we are spirit, we are multitudes, like, we can sense that things are our path, even if we have no evidence for it, even if we seem quote unquote delusional for believing it, there's just something there that, like, you feel drawn to, and I think that kind of leads back to your whole purpose for the pivot, like, you're like, I know But there is something for me here.

[00:46:09] This is what I'm meant to be doing right now. And that's why I'm taking this like sabbatical and putting this pivot into place and like shifting focus. And my brain's just going to kind of have to chill out about it. Like, I can't listen to you 24 7. Right. Like, I just can't. Right. Because you often have a lot of negative stuff to say.

[00:46:30] Right. And it's really bringing me down. Yes. 

[00:46:33] Carin: But like, yeah. And doing that acknowledgement of like, oh, this is a thought that I'm having because of things that I was given or because of my past. And like, also like those thoughts, like what our brain gives us is going to show up in our body and our nervous system, but not allowing that just because it's a thought.

[00:46:49] Feeling and like anxiety in my, I feel anxiety in my chest. I actually get like flutters in my chest. And then like when we're in a really bad sitch, like in my stomach, like I get nauseous, like I get like very much like stomach stuff. Right. So like knowing those things about you and knowing that like, Oh, my body is feeling this, not because what my brain is saying is true, but because.

[00:47:16] It's responding. It's just react. It's reacting to past circumstances. And we're re this is a different circumstance. Like, so acknowledging like polyvagal theory and like how our brains and our nervous systems work together, the autonomic nervous system, like all of those things and being able to tell yourself just because I'm thinking this thought and then feeling these feelings in my body doesn't mean that this is a no go or that I need to back out or like whatever.

[00:47:43] And then doing the meditation, doing the body movement, right. feeding your body, doing all of the things that help your body know that it's safe so that you can get to that grounded space where your body is like, Oh, no, this is a hell. Yes. Like, you know, like 

[00:47:58] Kacey: like back to that original feeling that you had that kind of spurred the whole Pivot in the first place because at some point you had a hell yes, where you were like, this is what I want to do Yes, this is the direction.

[00:48:10] I want to go like I deeply know that this is what I want to do Yeah, it just kind of gets buried under all of our thoughts and all our crap And then I think sometimes too like you mentioned the physical symptoms for me I've noticed like the last few weeks when I get the physical symptoms like the tight chest and like the little bit of solar plexus stuff and then it kind of When it gets worse, it's like stomach stuff.

[00:48:32] It's almost always because there is some anxious thought, like, running around that I haven't, like, paid attention to. Yep. And I'm like, okay, what am I sitting here thinking? Am I thinking, like, it's all going to fall apart. You know, I'm going to let something fall through the cracks. Uh, you know, it's always has something to do with self trust.

[00:48:50] Yep. And I just remind myself, I'm like, I got this, like, and that sounds so stupid, like, oh, I'm just gonna sit here and say I got this, but really, like, it does help when you can, like, take some deep breaths and, like, relax your body a little bit. Yes. Remember something you have done. The physical cues. Yeah, they remind me, I'm like, okay, when it's physical like this, there's something in my brain, like there's something I haven't addressed, or I haven't journaled about, or I haven't like given it's due.

[00:49:22] Maybe it's like an inner child thing, I know more about internal family systems than I do, but it's like, It feels like someone is feels ignored. Yes. And they're trying to like make enough noise to make me pay attention to them. So I'm going to give you a stomach ache. I'm going to give you anxiety. All of that stuff.

[00:49:38] Yes. And it's a reminder to me to be like, whoa, like I need to pay attention to something that I haven't been paying attention to. 

[00:49:44] Carin: Yes. Which like within, and you can use whatever context like makes sense to you, listener, but like, like within a Reiki context too, it would be energy that's trapped somewhere too.

[00:49:54] So like your, that thought is causing a lot of energy from a past narrative to be trapped in the body somewhere. And, We have to acknowledge it in order to clear it. So, like, that's so massive. I love that idea of this thought, like, running around your body, like, causing ruckus or whatever. And being able to just, like, tap in and be like, okay, what is that thought?

[00:50:17] Because, and the thought that I had, too, while you were talking is that those thoughts or those, like, phrases are usually things that if we said out loud to our partner or our best friend or, like, whoever, We would be able to see immediately that it is untrue. Yeah. Right, but like when it's just in us and it's just we're just letting it kind of like be simmer in the background it feels So real there's no option other than it being true and being a deciding narrative for the future of our like for our fate But like yeah, once we are able to like get grounded Acknowledge it or even speak it out loud to somebody so that they can help us dismantle it It's like it can be so quick Yeah, 

[00:51:03] Kacey: which is like as you're saying that like We talk about journaling a lot and then talk to people.

[00:51:07] Like if you have people in your life that like are also business owners or even just like subscribe to the same line of thought that you do and like understand the internal work that you're going through, leave them a voice note on like Voxer or WhatsApp or something. Ask for support. Because I think there's something about, yeah, and there's something about, Verbalizing versus writing down, I think that access is a different part of our brain.

[00:51:30] Totally. And like, when we say things out loud, it feels different than when we write it. Like, if you say, I'm going to tank this business out loud, you're like, Oh, that sounds really harsh. And I don't actually think that's true, but I wouldn't know. Is that even possible? 

[00:51:43] Carin: Saying it 

[00:51:44] Kacey: out loud is the thing that, is the thing that made me realize, like, I have this thought.

[00:51:48] I don't agree with it. Like, it felt good that I was able to like vocalize that and now I can see why I'm so stressed because I'm telling myself I'm going to take this business and I don't even actually believe that. Yep. I'm just so freaking stressed. Yeah. Yep. So it's just like journal, leave people voice notes, ask for support from people.

[00:52:09] People that you know can support you. Obviously. Yes. Not someone that doesn't get what you're doing and is like, I don't know what you're doing anyway. Yeah. Don't. Yeah. Don't tap those people. 

[00:52:19] Carin: Only the very safe people that you know have your back or know what you're doing. Like, if family's not a safe place for that, don't go to family.

[00:52:27] Like, not the people that give you judgment and criticism. Right? Like, the people that fully have your back. And that's not manipulating the situation. That's just asking for what you need. Right. And yes, use your care team too. If you do acupuncture, if you do massage, if you do all those things, because this is an embodied experience, like the nervous system piece is so massive that being in your body piece is so massive.

[00:52:48] We're not just like bypassing or gaslighting ourselves into these pivots. Like we are a whole person and we are very connected. And so yes, use your like, Don't skip your, this has been a big thing for me this week. Don't skip your massage because something feels a little bit financially stressful. If my massage is what's going to like change the game for me that week, you know, like, like, yes, like maybe I need to think about some of these other things.

[00:53:12] I'm not adding a bunch of things. I'm not, you know, like we've had to cut back on a lot of our care team kind of spaces, negotiables that have to be present as far as like what my support team looks like. And then Yahoo, I'm in conversation with. But yes, take care of yourself. Be gentle. Don't let urgency and impulsivity drive the train.

[00:53:34] And I think there's two, I keep thinking about this Kacey. This is just like a side note, but like, we will probably do a different episode at some point as far as like pivoting your podcast. There's because there's so many specifics we can go to. We were saying really, this is like the broad, like pivoting generally, which I'm obsessed with.

[00:53:49] But I feel like all of this Still applies like this is the macro for the micro of if you're thinking about pivoting your podcast or anything like that, I feel like all of this stands for like the micro decisions in your business as well as the macro, which is like also getting into like being really realistic of like, what's a macro pivot versus a micro pivot, which goes back to that language piece of like, even in what I'm doing right now, which seems like a really massive change.

[00:54:17] It is a big change for my business. Yeah. And also it's not my spiritual direction services were a quarter to a third of my business revenue. And I've been doing all of it. So it's, it's really an off, like, if I look at it very realistically, it's an offering change within the 

[00:54:34] Kacey: business that has always existed honing.

[00:54:36] Just like you said in the beginning, you're actually just honing down because you've always done the podcast editing piece. Anyway, it's not like a brand new thing. It's like, I'm doubling down on what I'm super good at and really talented. Yeah. We're 

[00:54:49] Carin: just focusing in. So, yeah. So I think the biggest pieces that we talked about too, is that like, just what we just said, pivoting doesn't have to be a massive deal.

[00:54:58] I think pivoting is evolution. Pivoting is like a further refinement of ourselves and our businesses. The Biggest one, I think that's like really important, especially as like women in this space, like you are free to pivot. You have permission to pivot and also don't pivot every day. And also I wrote this in the notes and I just, I haven't said it yet.

[00:55:18] So I just really wanted to see it. You are a creative goddess. If that's what gets you through your pivot, like write that down. Like I'm thinking about that now, like the ideas will not just because I'm putting them all in a parking lot, they will not run out. I am inherently creative. Like this is just a natural part of the process of being a creative is pivoting.

[00:55:38] And then. We all do it. We all pivot. Everyone giant businesses pivot like Forbes businesses, you know, like everyone pivots and it's a deepening of our creative experience as humans. So maybe that's like a doubling down on the last one, but just that it's all okay. And I think to hit the last one I would add from our dialogue today is going back to what you were saying in the very beginning as far as it's also kind of nothing new.

[00:56:06] Thank you. Because you've been collecting all of these experiences and skills, like throughout your whole life, your 

[00:56:13] Kacey: whole life, your whole life, that's something that you've built. And like, you can draw from that. It's not, I think we get the idea that we're like, well, that doesn't count. It all counts. 

[00:56:25] Carin: It all counts.

[00:56:27] That's I love the metaphor. I give this to clients a lot. The metaphor of the artist in the studio, like, When, something I had to learn majorly in art school was that studio time wasn't only the actual productive time of me like in the dark room, or me taking pictures, or like me painting, like actually physically making the work, you can't make the work without all of the things that go behind it, so like everything I'm reading, I Everything I'm listening to all the conversations that I'm having all your influence.

[00:57:04] Yes. So like literally I had to be like, okay, anything that I do in the studio is art making. Like if what I'm really interested in that day, and this is like tricky with pivoting, like you gotta stay focused to your plan. We're not like throwing everything up in the air and being like, I'm going to read a whole book before I like do my tasks.

[00:57:21] But like, you might be avoiding if you're doing that, the books that I'm reading, like, even right now, I can see I was drawn to, I wouldn't recommend this book for everyone, but it's been helpful for me. The subtle art of not giving a fuck. I've been reading that right now, which is like super impactful during a pivot and during refinement, but that's showing up in my content that show, you know, like, it's just so in alignment with where I am right now.

[00:57:45] So just remembering that, like you're an artist in the studio and everything is the art. You know, like your research is the art. You're, you're not just a productive machine. It's like my meditation is, is part of the pivot. Like my, you know, my eating when I need to eat is part of the pivot. My body movement that I've chosen for the day is part of the pivot, like all of those things.

[00:58:09] So I feel like I got a little sidetracked there, but you might be able to ground us. Well, 

[00:58:12] Kacey: I was just thinking about how we're both inspired by movies and like. Watching movies and your time away is part of the pivot like Wes Anderson movies and like the different things we get inspired by because your inspiration counts and like taking the time to make sure you're like away from your desk to feel inspired is all part of like it's I think a lot of us have been conditioned to think like that's indulgent like that's not real work and that's It's like, it really is, though.

[00:58:41] I feel like we're getting past this narrative, hopefully. I mean, it still takes a lot of work to remind myself of that every day, personally, but it's like, it really... It's very just as important as like having the detailed plan and having the marketing pieces together and all that stuff. It's just as important for your business to like, keep your creative fire going and stay inspired, whether, whatever it might be from a movie, a book, music, you know, podcasts.

[00:59:08] That's what I was going to say 

[00:59:10] Carin: too. Yes. Keeping the creative fire burning. Cause it's almost like, so I'm tapping into my creative. Part so much right now that creative identity so much right now. I'm asking so much of her She's re envisioning so much. She's creating so much copy She's creating an entire plan which plans are like I love them They're exhausting for me because i'm not a systems person.

[00:59:32] I don't like I like to think of the like i'm an envisioner I like to create the vision, and then I like other people to execute it all, which does not happen in my business, because I'm not financially in a place that that happens. But we have to also, yeah, we also have to nurture and nourish the parts that we're asking more of right now.

[00:59:52] So all of that inspiration, I have to feed her, I have to watch a TV show during my child's alone time, you know, like I'm not, I can't ask her to output 100 percent of the time just because we're in a pivot or a launch. You can replace like launch language with this, which I don't like to use launch language, but there you go.

[01:00:14] Kacey: Yeah. All right. That's amazing. I 

[01:00:16] Carin: feel like you want I feel like we just gave so much. I feel like it was so good. I hope, dear listener, you have loved it and gotten so much out of it. I hope you feel nurtured and supported and encouraged and also Kacey, you shouted out earlier, just some of the way, like the work that you do as far as like how it showed up in your most recent pivot.

[01:00:39] If people want to work with you, how can they find you? If people just love talking with you and want to get in contact, How do they do that? 

[01:00:46] Kacey: So, yes. Again, I hope this episode was supportive, and if you want more support with podcast guest pitching or with podcast content repurposing, you can head over to my website.

[01:00:57] It's KaceyHayes. com. The work with me page has all of my current services and a cute little calendar where you can book a call with me. And if you just want to hang out and talk and get to know each other more, I'm on Instagram and my handle is at Kaceyhhayes. 

[01:01:13] Carin: Amazing. Thank you. And I am a podcast producer and editor.

[01:01:17] I'm Carin Huebner and I am offering podcast strategy packages. If you're beginning a podcast and you want to know all of the ins and outs and you want me to get inside of your brain a little bit and then give you spit out a plan for you as far as what it can look like to build a podcast that's in alignment with you.

[01:01:35] I do that. I also do consultation calls. And I would love to, if you're interested in working with me, or if you're looking at starting a podcast or taking your podcast to the next level, either with editing or with a console or strategy package, I would love to meet with you for an hour and give you everything that I possibly can dipping into my knowledge of all these years of podcasting and being in the industry.

[01:01:58] So book an hour with me on my website at C A R I N H U E B N E R. com. And those links will be in the show notes. Also, and we work really well as a team. So if you already have a podcast, you want your content repurposed, and you're also looking at leveling up with an editor, Kacey and I obviously work super well together.

[01:02:16] And we would love to tag team more shows and more of getting you and your wonderful work out into the world and getting to feel fulfilled in our own work by gaining to support you. So definitely reach out. I know, right? Yes. We've gotten to do it before and we do it a little bit and it's so much fun. So hit us up.

[01:02:35] We are so thankful for you. We love that you're here and while you're at it, go ahead and hit that rate and review button so that other people can find the show and get the help that you are receiving here as well. Thank you 

[01:02:48] Kacey: for being here. Thank you for listening to Podmakers. We'll see you next time.


Ep. 6 Why Podcast Guesting?


Ep. 4 The Pressure To Be Everywhere as Business Owners