Ep. 11 Podcasting is (and isn’t) EAsy

“If it was easy, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great.”

Yes, we’re quoting A League of Their Own to introduce this episode because A) It’s a sisterhood classic B) This quote can easily apply to podcasting and C) It’s our podcast and we do what we want (and so can you).

But wait… isn’t podcasting easy? That’s in the title, after all. And in many ways, it is. The barrier of entry into the podcast space is low, recording capabilities are more accessible than ever, and there’s no shortage of ideas for podcasts.

In the online business space, though, it’s different. 

Here, we’re using our podcasts as a part of our business marketing strategy, and there are tons of threads connecting to that. Perfectionism around the content, the sound quality, the takeaways, the way our voices sound, trying to please others – whether that’s you, dear listener, or the people whose voices are loudest in our heads – plus the fact that our podcasts are tied to our income and our ‘professionalism,’ and all the preconceived notions about consistency with podcasting.

Like Carin said so well, podcasting can be a microcosm of the personal growth and healing that you're already confronted with when you’re a business owner. The “both/and” concept means we’re always making space for nuance and complexity.

Still, there are things that do come easily to us as podcasters. In this episode, we talk about how our complementary strengths as pod partners helps podcast creation feel much more aligned and in flow, plus what we and our clients find most challenging when it comes to showing up to the mic.

Join us as we explore how podcasting is and isn’t easy for us as humans, and consider how to keep showing up in ways that uphold your values. 

Resources mentioned in the episode:


Ep. 12 Normalizing the Fear of Making Mistakes


Ep. 10 Podcast Episode Ideas (The Inner Work + Ideas You Can Steal)